July 27, 2021
Changing The Lives of 25 Child-Headed Families

Thanks to the generous support from the First National Bank (FNB) Eswatini Foundation, Young Heroes will make a difference in the lives of 25 child-headed households in the Hhohho and Shiselweni regions. In December, the FNB Eswatini Foundation donated USD$18,000 to Young Heroes to provide monthly food hampers and dignity packs for one year. The dignitary packs consists of bath soap, toothpaste, roll-on, body moisturizer and sanitary pads for girls.
Executive Director, Mr. Khulekani Magongo, is grateful to the FNB Eswatini Foundation for entrusting Young Heroes with their social investment. He stated “Young Heroes will commit its skills to ensuring that the obligations tasked to us by the Foundation are met. We thank you for entrusting us with this huge task.”
Meanwhile, Mr. Dennis Mbingo, FNB Eswatini Foundation’s Chairperson, expressed the Foundation’s focus on supporting children so their futures aren’t doomed. He stated “Exposure to hunger is also exposure to abuse; the weakness of a social net creates an opportunity for other social ills to grow.”
Life Improves for The Sangweni Family
The Sangweni family is one of the child-headed families identified for generous support from the FNB Eswatini Foundation. Colani Sangweni (18) is the head of the family, and he stays with his siblings Ayanda (14) and Sebenele (12). Their mother abandoned the children after their father passed away.
Over the years, the three boys have been staying with extended family members in their homesteads. Colani had to find piece jobs to contribute towards food for the families. In 2020, Young Heroes built the boys a two-room house through the Litsemba project. However, due to lack of food, they could not go back home after completing the house and they continued to stay with relatives.
When the FNB Foundation awarded Young Heroes the funding, their lives changed for the better. The children could go back home since they would be receiving food for 12 months.
“For the first time since our father passed away, we have food which lasts for a whole month, ultimately we have stopped begging food from neighbors,” said Colani. They supplement the groceries by fishing in the nearby Mkhondvo river. The family is very grateful for the support extended by the FNB foundation through Young Heroes: “Thank you very much for the continued support.”